Saturday, July 9, 2011

A couple more videos and a new poll...

Hello all,
  Just a quick post to put up a couple more videos of the Garrison Dam, and also to inform you of the new poll here on my blog.  I would appreciate your feedback!

Here is a video of the Garrison Dam spillway:

And one of the powerhouse/regulatory outlets:



Kristi said...

I like these one minute clips because I can feel like I'm there. It's nothing like seeing just a picture of the dam. Interesting trip you guys took out there.

Unfortunately I couldn't READ the histories that you took pictures of in your July 2 post, but could only see the pictures on the history plaques.

Maybe that's because my computer can't get your HD photos. : ) By the way, just because I know what the initials HD stand for doesn't mean I've experienced HD videos. Eric says that we can get HD videos but that we just don't bother with them (an option not on your poll). : ) He says HD doesn't make that much of a difference.

Unknown said...

Hi Kristi,
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a one minute video clip should be worth 1,800,000! (30 pictures per second X 60 seconds X 1,000 words) :-)
Sorry you had trouble reading the information about the dam... Did you know you can click on a picture to see a larger copy? You should be able to read it then... ;-)

Kristi said...

Hey, I tried that, and you were right! I was able to read those plaques easily. Wish I'd thought of that, as I've double clicked pictures many times before. I just haven't ever done it on blogs.

Only you would think of calculating how many words those videos were worth! : )

I don't usually think of re-reading the comments section to check for a response, but it sure was worth it on two posts today. :)