Saturday, April 10, 2010

Busy as a Bee...

Dear readers,
Once again I am behind on my blogging, and haven't gotten to a lot of other things around here either... I spent most of the week out cleaning grain from dawn to dusk, and haven't really had much time to do things around here... (To my winners from last week's drawing: Yes, I received your e-mails, sorry I haven't gotten the prizes mailed yet... I will try to get them out on Monday.)
Today we are going up to Bismarck to have a little family time away from all of the work... This morning after chores, we worked on getting some of our old bicycles in shape, as we are planning on riding on one of the bike trails up there, after a good lunch at the Golden Corral. Sounds like fun!
Best get ready to go...
Andrew B.


Rachel said...

Hi Andrew!
I haven’t been blogging much either- Time just seems to run away!

It's really nice to get away from work for a bit!
I envy you and your family going on the bike trail. It sounds like fun and good exercise too! :)

God bless

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrew,
What are we going to do this week to enjoy our day of rest? Got any great ideas?
Thanks for posting,

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

I got the package in the mail! thanks
I laughed when I saw the bolt! I am sure that it will find a place around here somewhere. :)