Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An Update...

Hello all,

Well, once again it is time for an update... I know I should have posted an update some time ago, but I just kept putting it off...

We have been very busy around here, working on many different things, as well as just slowing down a little bit and having fun as a family.

Last Saturday, the 19th, our family went down to Eureka to be with my Dad's family for an early Christmas.
(Next day)

Mom went to Bismarck today, and isn't home yet so I have a couple of minutes to write. I probably won't get this done tonight anymore, so it will sit on my computer another day...
Our family has been enjoying ice skating on a frozen slough up in our pasture. Last Sunday, we decided to take one of the loader tractors up there and push some of the snow off of the ice, so we could have a larger place to skate and play hockey.

All was going well, although the ice was creaking quite a bit... We were having fun skating and pushing off the snow with some shovels, when suddenly something went CRACK! We all looked towards the tractor, and sure enough, this is what we saw:
Thankfully, the water is only about two feet deep in this particular slough, so it wasn't really a big problem. We tried pulling the tractor out with my pickup, but didn't have enough chain to get the pickup on solid ground. We ended up driving the other tractor up there a little later on, and with the aid of a couple more chains, it came right out. Whew! :-)
Mom just got home, so I need to go...
More later,
Andrew B.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I am still here! Our little expedition to the hay field got rescheduled due to the below normal temperatures, and the rather heavy falling of snow. Right now, it is -2.7° outside, and still snowing. There for a while we couldn't see half a mile, it was snowing so hard! Thankfully there is very little wind, or it could turn into a regular blizzard!

 Keep posted,

 Andrew B.


Good Morning!

 I am still in the house waiting for everyone to get up, so I thought I would write a quick post about the weather.  Currently, it is -8° outside, with a light dusting of snow falling from the sky... The weather man says it is supposed to make it all the way up to 1° today! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........  Tomorrow it is only supposed to get up to -3°! That kind of weather sure doesn't make one want to go out to the barn and do chores! O well, I guess it isn't that bad...

 Today, Dad and I are planning on going over to the land we rent about 15 miles away, and bringing a couple loads of hay home for the cows. Maybe I will get a picture later...

 Got to go,

 Andrew B.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm "It"

 I'm Tagged! Well, I guess it is about time I got back to blogging... :-)

 Mom (A Ray of Hope) got tagged with this questionare, and now she tagged me, so here goes:

Six names you go by:
 (Six? Wow, I'll have to think...)

Andrew (I go by this most of the time)
Andrew B. (When we are with other Andrews, or I like to sign emails or blog posts...)
Werdna (When I am being silly ;-) )
Andy (Don't call me that!)
ARB (My initials, also as in ARB Productions)
Brother (No explanation)

Three things you are wearing right now:
 A white/cream sweater with Tweety Bird riding a motorcycle on it...
 A pair of blue jeans,
 My Leatherman Kick, I don't go anywhere without it!

Three things you want very badly right now:
  (This is an interesting question. I have read several other people's blogs where they have said things like Grace, Peace, Love, More people to come to Christ, etc. But, being as I am a Christian, and all Christians should want those things, it really doesn't reflect on that individual's personality. Soooooo, I am going to rephrase the question to: Three (Material) things you want very badly right now:

 A professional HD video camera
 A good video editing computer, ie. Really fast, and really BIG hard drive
 A farm of my own, some day... :-)

Three things you did last night/yesterday:

 Chores, twice. :-)
 Did Jacob's science lession with him.
 I took a shower, and went to bed...

Two things you ate today:
 Well, seeing as I haven't had breakfast yet, I will just list 2 things I ate yesterday:

 Fruit salad with pomegranate, pineapple, and grapes. Yumm!
 Fresh home-made unbaked granola. I prefer it baked, but the rest of the family doesn't...

Two people you last talked to on the phone:

 Well, that would be the person who keeps calling my cell phone looking for somebody else. :-)
 And probably Dad, although I don't remember exactly...

Two things you are going to do today/tomorrow:

 Chores, of course!
 I really need to fix the tire on my pickup, seeing as it is totally flat.

Your three favorite beverages

Raw Goat's Milk
Hot spiced apple cider!

(Eight! I don't know if I know that many bloggers that haven't been tagged already...)

 Hannah K.

 Jonathan P.

 Jonathan B. -- I know Mom tagged you too, but consider it a Double Tag. :-)

 Sorry, can't think of any more... If you were not listed, and you want to do it, TAG! You're IT!

 Andrew B.